She needs no introduction, however, Hannah Barrett (nee Laity) is the wife of All Black superstar Beaudan Barrett. A close friend of Sisters&Co, Hannah's style suits her athletic, warm and charismatic demeanour. Whether decked out and looking fabulous in activewear for her daily dose of exercise, or dressed to the nines Rebecca Vallance (that engagement dress was #TDF) she is always impeccable. We asked Hannah some questions about her current #wfh situation, her social essentials and what she's listening to.

During Lockdown, how will you differentiate Monday-Friday from your weekend? I’ve been starting every weekday by planning out my day and writing down a list of tasks to accomplish. The weekends have basically been “do whatever fills your cup” (including a group House Party session over a glass of red!)

What's the key to a great #wfh outfit? Comfort. Gym tights are my new go-to.

What's the one thing we should do every day during this time? Practice gratitude and self love. And move your body!!

Where will your first post-lockdown coffee come from? Still my nespresso, you can’t beat it! 

What do you wear to feel confident? I love wearing bright colours, anything that stands out. 

What trend should be outlawed? Stockings with denim shorts over the top - will never understand that one. 

What is the one great thing that has come out of lock down with you? The ability to realise that it's ok to slow down and not have a thousand things to do in one day. I think part of our culture is to be fuelled by being almost too busy to cope. This is a great chance to take up a new hobby, do a puzzle, binge watch a series, organise cupboards etc. 

What should my next at-home movie watch be? Not a movie, but the Netflix short series "The Stranger" 

What music are you listening to? "Billboard #1's 2000-2009" on Spotify 

What are you top insta accounts you are following? @wildpilates (for at home pilates workouts!), @rozalia_russion (I love her sense of style), @pipedwards (founder of P.E Nation and absolute boss babe). 

Any apps you can share with us? House party, Tik Tok and Netflix!