Muse: Amber Peebles

We are big fans of yours and your amazing style, how would you describe your style aesthetic?

Well, thank you, the feeling is mutual Sisters!! I do tend to slide between styles as my mood and the season changes but I’d say I have an overarching theme that includes classic femininity with a modern masculine edge. 

Meaning I love structured, often bold lines paired with something on the more classic or feminine side.


What are your wardrobe staples that carry you from season to season…

Owe, high waisted denim 1000% , also I have a few linen shirts that get the sleeves rolled right up in summer and rolled down again for winter. 

Also, black lightweight high waisted slacks are great all year round, white T-shirts always and my garment project sneakers. They get a thrashing 


Who are some of your favourite designers?

Ohhh nooo. This question is always so hard for me, I find pieces to adore from everyone and also different designers serve often different purposes. Hmm, ok ok.. for a long time I’ve loved Sass and Bide for going out, Shona Joy is a good one to watch as well, I’m also currently obsessed with Matteau, and Zimmerman can do no wrong. For chilled weekend vibes, Marle is amazing and Mahsa’s blouses are heavenly. Wynn Hamlynn makes mid-week dressing fun, La Tribe sandals have been my go-to this summer and I’ve just discovered A.Emery (thanks to you guys!)

Micimoola and the Knitter for amazing snuggly pieces. Georgia Alice is full of awesome surprises as well as Paris & Georgia. Ahhhh, I feel like I’m at the Oscars and my acceptance speech is going to long. I’m missing so many out !!

Where do you find your style inspiration ?

All over the place, I still get it from everyday folk walking around minding their own business. One day I even managed to take a blurred photo of a girl, I posted it to IG stories the next day as the inspo for that days look. A bit weird and creepy of me, but I had to post, she just looked so cool!! 

The majority, however, comes from social media, it has dominated as the best way to see a smorgasbord of style. I love seeing how different people wear pieces and seeing their individuality shine through. 


Talk us through a day in the life of Amber Peebles…

You know, I really don’t have a typical day. I ‘try’ to start ‘most’ days with some kind of workout (interval jog with the music cranked or pilates is usually my jam) every day is different though (hahaha, notice the ‘try’ & ‘most’). 

My jobs are really varied. I’m constantly juggling random projects but I regularly do voice overs, filming interviews / presenting, I also really love the creative side of working with brands via my IG channel (because yes, that’s a thing now). I do pick my partners very carefully though and then have some fun with the content. We have also had our share of house renovation.. If you had asked me this question mid last year my answer (along with a groan) would have been ‘Renovation, Renovation, Renovation’ .  I was on-site from 8am - 10pm every day.  We’ve done six renovations but that was the first time I was renovating to sell so I was pretty consumed with getting it right and finishing it on time for market. I did enjoy it but I was so pleased to see the back of it.  Although I’m still a major sucker for DIY projects at home. Haha, if you follow me on IG you would have seen my triumphs (and disasters) on my stories.

How would you spend your dream weekend?

It might be the Gemini in me but I think I have two. One would be at our spot in Waiheke, hopping around a few Vineyards with friends then finishing up at our little slice on the island to watch the sunset and fire up the pizza oven.

My other is at the Mount. Summer isn’t summer without the Mount. Since I can remember I’ve spent my summers there so it’s my other ‘happy place’.  Over New Years I got to see my Mum (who lives locally) and hang out with my nieces, step sisters and step Mum. Dashing in-between the soft white Mount Maunganui sand and some awesome shopping fuelled by an espresso martini. Haha, specific right, almost like I’ve done it before ;)